(about me)
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Social Media & Digital Marketing Portfolio

I created a hashtag game that encouraged followers of Doubleday Books to mash together three book titles into a single, often hilarious book title. The hashtag trended nationally & grew brand awareness across social media channels.

"Why we love Twitter." - Dick Costolo, Former Twitter CEO, posting about #LiteraryTurducken.

Mashable article featuring Top 20 #LiteraryTurducken posts.

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The South Walton Food Film Festival
I directed the social and digital marketing campaign for a 3-day food festival, guiding the creation of the website and social media posts announcing and promoting the campaign.

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The Crazy Rich Collection
To promote the sequel to the novel Crazy Rich Asians, I worked with luxury retailers around the globe to create a one-of-a-kind megaluxury online store, curated by Kevin Kwan, the author and world-renowned stylist.

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Dan Brown's Inferno: Crowdsourced Product Launch and
Augmented Reality Mobile App

Read a TODAY Show article about the crowd-sourced mosaic revealing the title of Dan Brown's new novel on-air, powered by fan posts on social media. I managed the campaign's design and execution.

Then, I brought the the physical book to life for fans with an augmented reality app, writing the script and working closely with the art & development teams at Sanborn Media Factory. Demo video here.

The book went on to become the best-selling novel of 2013.

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Copywriting & Art Direction for Social Media

Visual Design for Social Media
Instagram: meat & three | advent calendar
Facebook Memes: 1 | 2 | 3

Facebook Ad Design & Copywriting
Newsfeed ads: 1 | 2 | 3

Print Ad Design & Copywriting
New York Times Book Review, Dec 2013

Twitter Copywriting: Random House Zombie Attack
To celebrate the launch of a zombie-themed novel, I created a script for twenty different corporate-owned Twitter accounts to follow, detailing a fake Zombie attack spreading through Random House's corporate headquarters. View some of the best tweets from the event on Storify.